Behavior Concerns Advice Line (BCAL), Are you worried about a student in your class, bothered that your roommate has been acting differently, or concerned about the behavior of a co-worker? Do you have concerns but are not sure what to do? If so, contact the Behavior Concerns Advice line at 512-232-5050 or submit your concerns using the online form.
Emergency Information, This Web site is your resource for up-to-date information about campus alerts, closures and openings during emergencies or unfavorable weather situations. Emergency Information call 512-232-9999
Emergency Preparedness
Environmental Emergency, 24-Hour Hotline: Call 512-471-3511
Facilities Services Emergency - 512-471-2020
Fire Emergency, Dial 911 from any campus phone or call UTPD at 512-471-4441
Local, State & Federal Links, Links to find more information about local, state, and federal emergency notifications and services.
Sure Walk If you are on campus late and have concerns about your safety getting home, all students, faculty, and staff can request Sure Walkers to accompany them.
Text Message Alerts You can sign up for campus text alerts to get emergency text messages delivered to your mobile device.
University Police, Call 911 or 512-471-4441 from any campus phone
Office of the Staff Ombuds
- Location:
Student Services Building, Room G1.404
- Address:
The University of Texas at Austin
100 West Dean Keeton Street, Stop A6000
Austin, Texas 78712
- Email:
- Phone: