About the Staff Ombuds

What We Do

Our responses are tailored to the visitor’s particular situation and needs. We may:

  • Listen to your concerns
  • Offer information about university policies and procedures
  • Discuss and clarify issues
  • Help identify a range of options for solving problems
  • Gather information and offer referrals to other resources
  • Offer coaching to help you prepare for a difficult conversation
  • Facilitate communication
  • Track perceived issues and trends
  • Make recommendations for institutional improvements

What We Do Not Do

  • Make decisions or findings of fact
  • Establish, change or override policies
  • Offer legal advice
  • Offer psychological counseling
  • Participate in grievances or other formal processes
  • Serve as an advocate for any person


Mission Statement

The mission of the Office of the University Ombuds for Staff (OUO) is to provide a neutral, impartial, and confidential environment for staff and postdocs to voice concerns related to life at The University of Texas at Austin and to provide information and assistance to staff and postdocs who have University-related questions or complaints. The OUO functions in an independent and informal manner to help staff and postdocs discover pathways and options for effective problem solving and conflict resolution. The OUO also identifies and provides recommendations to the University regarding systemic issues.

The credibility of the office rests on its reputation for independence, impartiality, fairness, objectivity, tact, and respectful concern for the welfare of all members of the University community and the well-being of the University.  The Staff Ombuds advocates for fair and equitably administered processes and does not side with individuals or the University.  The Office helps the University uphold the institutional core values, student honor code, and university code of conduct.