Principles of the Office of the University Ombuds for Staff


  • In order to create a safe place to voice concerns, evaluate issues, and identify options, the OUO respects the confidentiality and privacy of all persons.
  • The OUO takes confidentiality seriously. However, exceptions are made with expressed permission from the staff member or postdoc or as required by law or university policy, including imminent harm to self or others.


  • The OUO does not side with individuals, the University, or any other parties involved.
  • The OUO considers the interests and concerns of all parties involved with the aim of developing fair and equitable options toward resolution.


  • The OUO is authorized to act independently including reviewing procedural irregularities.
  • The OUO does not have authority to establish, change, or dismiss any University policy or override the decisions of University officials. However, the OUO has access to all University officials and records as needed to carry out the functions of the Office.
  • The OUO reports directly to the President of the University to ensure independence in the fulfillment of duties.


  • The use of our office services is strictly voluntary and individuals cannot be sanctioned for using or not using the Ombuds office.
  • The OUO cannot offer legal advice, therapy services, or make binding recommendations or decisions.
  • The OUO does not participate in formal processes even if given permission by the staff member, postdoc, or other visitors. The OUO does assist staff and postdocs in accessing formal procedures including making referrals to proper avenues to request that the university takes formal action.

The Office of the University Ombuds for Staff reserves the right to deny any case that falls outside our role and responsibilities. All efforts will be made to refer students to other appropriate resources, as needed.

Office of the Staff Ombuds


Student Services Building, Room G1.404


The University of Texas at Austin
100 West Dean Keeton Street, Stop A6000
Austin, Texas 78712



