Central & South Texas Region of the American Red Cross (512) or (800) 928-4271, Trained Red Cross volunteers and staff are ready 24-hours-a-day, year-round to meet the disaster-caused needs of people in our community.
Aunt Bertha (512) 522-9549, Aunt Bertha is an online database resource connecting people to federal, state, county, city, neighborhood, and charity program information in their areas. Based in Austin and founded by a University of Texas graduate who is also a former human service delivery consultant, the Aunt Bertha website helps determine what programs someone is eligible for and how to apply for over 200 human service organizations in the Austin area. The goal of Aunt Bertha is to organize and make it easy to find human service program information in food, housing, health education, employment and more so people can help themselves by finding the programs they need and can qualify for online.
Austin Alcoholics Anonymous Hill Country Intergroup (512) 444-0071, Austin Alcoholics Anonymous Hill Country Intergroup is a non-profit organization providing information and support for alcohol abuse recovery.
Austin Child Guidance Center (512) 451-2242, Established in 1951, the Austin Child Guidance Center provides outpatient mental health services to families and children 17 years old and younger in the Austin area who are experiencing emotional, behavioral or social problems.
Austin Disaster Relief Network (512) 331-2200, The Austin Disaster Relief Network is a network of churches, ministries and business leaders within the Austin Christian community working together to respond to the emotional, physical and spiritual needs of those affected by disaster in the Austin area.
Austin Memorial and Burial Information Society (AMBIS) (512) 480-0555, Austin Memorial and Burial Information Society (AMBIS) is a nonprofit consumer association administered by volunteers that advocates a consumer's right to meaningful, dignified, and affordable end-of-life choices.
Austin Tenants’ Council (512) 474-1961, The Austin Tenants’ Council protects tenants’ rights and educates the community on fair housing. Our vision is to make Texas communities open to all without discrimination and free of landlord-tenant disputes.
Austin Travis County Integral Care 512-472-HELP (4357), Austin Travis County Integral Care provides community-based behavioral health and developmental disabilities services in Travis County including psychiatric evaluations, 24-hour crisis interventions, medication treatment, inpatient treatment, employment and vocational services, service coordination, family support and respite care, housing, information and referral, supported living and residential services. Austin Travis County Integral Care was previously known as the Austin Travis County Mental Health Mental Retardation Center (Travis County MHMR) until the name was changed to reflect evolving terminology and attitudes toward those needing mental health services. Help for mental health issues is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week through the Crisis Hotline at 512-472-HELP (4357).
Capital Area Food Bank (512) 282-2111, Since 1981, non-profit Capital Area Food Bank of Texas (CAFB) has provided emergency food assistance for individuals and families and nutritious meals for children through more than 350 agencies and schools throughout Austin and Central Texas.
Caritas Of Austin (512) 479-4610, Caritas was founded in 1964 by Father Richard McCabe from the Catholic Diocese of Austin and today is a private non-profit providing families in need with emergency basics such as food, rent and utilities. Caritas is the largest source of non-governmental assistance for low-income families in Travis County and serves the working poor, the unemployed, the homeless, the near-homeless and documented refugees. Caritas offers education classes on practical topics to build life skills such as budgeting, money management, energy conservation, ESL and job readiness and placement. Caritas serves hot meals Monday through Saturday from 11 AM to 12:30 PM to individuals and families in need with no questions asked at the Caritas Community Kitchen and also operates a take-home food pantry.
Christi Center (512) 467-2600, The Christi Center, formerly known As For The Love Of Christi, provides free grief support in Austin and the Central Texas area to grieving individuals and families for as long as they need it, regardless of circumstances.
Dispute Resolution Center of Austin (512) 371-0033, The Dispute Resolution Center is a nonprofit organization was founded in 1983 that provides conflict or dispute resolution services for people in the Austin area.
Family Eldercare (512) 450-0844, Family Eldercare is a not-for-profit agency founded in 1982 with the goal of helping older adults remain independent and living in the comfort of their own homes for as long as possible.
Hospice Austin (512) 342-4700, Hospice Austin is a non-profit organization providing interdisciplinary pallative care to terminally ill patients and their families who live in Travis, Hays, Williamson, Bastrop, and Caldwell Counties regardless of their ability to pay.
Lawyer Referral Service of Central Texas (512) 472-8303, Lawyer Referral Service of Central Texas is a non-profit public service designed to help people who are ineligible for legal aid and are able to pay normal attorney fees, but because of lack of experience with the legal system or fear of the potential cost need help finding an attorney.
Safeplace (512) 267-7233, SafePlace has provided shelter and counseling to those experiencing rape, domestic violence and sexual abuse including past childhood sexual abuse since 1972. SafePlace maintains an emergency shelter for women and children escaping domestic violence at the Kelly White Family Shelter and also an off-site shelter for men seeking safety. Safeplace has a 24-hour Hotline at (512) 267-SAFE (7233) or 927-9616 TTY for the Deaf community for crisis phone support and information.
SIMS Foundation (512) 472-1008, The SIMS Foundation provides mental health and addiction recovery services for Austin-area musicians and their families. Musicians needing help can call the SIMS Confidential Clinical Line (512) 494-1007 or reach SIMS through the clinical intake form on the SIMS website.
Travis County Veterans Service Office (512) 854-9340, The Travis County Veterans Service Office helps military veterans, VA dependents and VA survivors in the Austin area with information and assistance in obtaining all the benefits to which they are entitled from the United States Veterans Administration.
United Way Capital Area(512)-472-6267 or 2-1-1, United Way Capital Area connects people in need of help with the appropriate community resources in Austin. If you need help, call 2-1-1 any time of the day or night. Anyone can call 2-1-1 for free information and referrals to health and human service agencies, nonprofit and faith-based organizations, disaster relief resources, and volunteer opportunities for help regarding health care, employment, educational, legal, housing, counseling, transportation needs and other support 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Wonders And Worries (512) 329-5757, Provides individual and group professional counseling to help children and their families cope when a parent or caregiver has a chronic or life-threatening illness at any stage of the illness.
Office of the Staff Ombuds
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The University of Texas at Austin
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Austin, Texas 78712
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